Tech Union Production

Multi-camera interview

Interviews are one of the most sought-after video formats at the present time, which allows you to both promote interviewers in the media and reveal the topic of the question. But because of its popularity, this format also has a lot of competition.

Our team has successful cases of this format for companies such as:

  • Proman;
  • GB Event;
  • Europa Plus.


That is why we have a high expertise in creating this content format. By contacting us you get:

  • lighting of the shooting area according to the atmosphere of the video;
  • high-quality voice recording;
  • shooting material with at least 2 cameras;
  • material editing.


Interview for Proman

Interview for Europa Plus

Interview for Lilia


How to film an interview?

Interview – video lasting from 30 minutes to 2 hours. There are usually at least two people in the frame, one of them is the interviewer, and the second is the hero. The task of such videos is to reveal the story of the guest as much as possible and help viewers understand the topic.

It is best to shoot such videos with multiple cameras to add dynamics and thereby increase the video viewing time. We recommend:

  • shoot at least 3 cameras;
  • change of location;
  • interactive with viewers;
  • titration of the main theses.
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