Tech Union Production
creating promo videos

The most popular form of advertising

Now more than ever, the need for this video format is growing as human consumption of content has changed. And the client expects more from you than just photo advertising.

Our team understands this perfectly, and working in the B2B field, we have tremendous experience not only in shooting a video, but also in creating its idea and creative disclosure of your product.

This will allow you not only to show your product to a wide audience, but also to interest the customers you need and finally create a big buzz around your product.



Promo video for restaurant JOMO

Promo video for photo salon Ексар

Promo video for clinic Mother & Child

creating promo videos

What is a promo?

Promo video is a short video about your product/service. Mostly up to 3 minutes long. The purpose of this video is to quickly and informatively tell about your company.

During creating a promo video, we think through the whole process: pre-production (script, storyboard, animatic, location scouting), production (shooting process), post-production (material editing).


  • pre-production — up to 7 days;
  • production — up to 5 days;
  • post-production — up to 10 days.

This is the most effective way to promote your product/service. We, in turn, are 100% confident in the performance of this type of rollers.

The promo video can be used on different platforms without any problems, such as: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram. The rights to all materials used in the final video are the property of the customer, and when using music, we provide licenses.

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